iRIDE WA Preferred
Information and Registration for Suppliers
iRIDE WA believes in supporting the communities where we travel, and the businesses that support what we do. The iRIDE WA Preferred program aims to provide recognition, support and promotion to qualified businesses in Western Australia.
The iRIDE WA Preferred program forms part of the iRIDER Membership Card System that connects businesses to riders where discounts, benefits and direct promotion can be made to those riders that hold the valid iRIDER Card. The iRIDER card provides security to businesses to ensure they are providing these benefits to verified iRIDE WA members and not those that cannot be verified.
What is iRIDE WA Preferred?
What promotional benefits will this provide for my business?
As part of the iRIDE WA Preferred Supplier Program, businesses will be provided promotional space on various iRIDE WA platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, Instragram and the iRIDE WA Website. This includes website links to the suppliers own site or page.
All businesses will be offered iRIDE WA Preferred decals for use on their premises, businesses such as hotels, restaurants and cafe's will be offered "Loved by iRIDE WA" decals as an extra.
In addition, for businesses located in tourist areas that iRIDE WA visits, additional blog posts, photos and/ or video will be produced regularly that tells the community about the town, the business and the people. The aim is to promote tourism, promote country towns and hopefully support everyone in those locations.
The iRIDE WA website will have an iRIDE WA Preferred area, where information related to the business, including website links can be placed. Businesses that have joined the iRIDER program to offer discounts/ benefits and special offers to official iRIDER card holders will be offered this promotional ability at no cost.
Preferred suppliers that have joined the iRIDER program will have approval to post in the iRIDE WA Facebook Group to promote their business at any time, however no more than three (3) times per week, unless approved by iRIDE WA. Non-iRIDER and non-Preferred Supplier linked businesses will be required to seek approval for advertising, and that may incur a fee.
iRIDER and the conditions
Preferred Suppliers that wish to join the iRIDER Card program must honour any and all of the discounts/ benefits and special offers listed on their application for a period of twelve (12) months to verified iRIDER card holders. iRIDER card holders will have signed the card, and this can be verified against other identification on request of the Preferred Supplier. Failure of a customer to produce the iRIDER card and verify it's authenticity shall not qualify that customer for any iRIDE WA or iRIDER card discounts/ benefits or special offers, except at the Preferred Suppliers discretion.
The iRIDER card is intended to support businesses whilst ensuring that any and all discounts/ benefits and special offers are to those real members of iRIDE WA.
Additional conditions that aim to protect iRIDE WA Preferred Suppliers can be found at the iRIDER Card Terms & Conditions of Use at the top of this page.